Thursday, October 28, 2004

Let's Reign in those Cheaters

Yesterday Premier Klein related the story about two women on the Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) program who were "yipping" at him recently about boosting AISH payments. He said "they didn't look severely handicapped to me." He then went on to say that his government would cut off people on AISH who were abusing the system.

We agree. Those who cheat the government should be cut off because it is our tax dollars that are been stolen. We have received many comments about AISH but mostly about how the payments made to AISH recipients, $850 a month, is not enough to live on. We didn't get any comments about people abusing the system but that's not to say it doesn't happen. We decided to see if Fred Dunn, Alberta's Auditor General, had detected any abuses. We got out our copy of the Annual Report of the Auditor General of Alberta - 2004 and checked. Here is what we came up with.

First. Mr Dunn reported nothing about anyone cheating on AISH.

However, Mr. Dunn did find a number of related contracting issues. From Page 7 of his report.

Persons with Developmental Disabilities Community Boards:

In 2003-2004, the PDD Boards paid $342 million to provide services to adults with developmental disabilities. Although there are approximately 900 service providers, 100 service providers receive 90% of the funding from the Boards.

At the request of management, we performed a forensic audit on the contracting practices of two service providers that led to the recommendation that the PDD Boards audit those service providers with a high risk of breaching their contracts. One Board is currently trying to recover $3.38 million from a service provider.

On Page 107, relating to this service provider, it was found quote: the level and quality of supervision (of clients) appeared inadequate and in many cases less than contracted for, the quality of care in some instances was sub-standard and approximately $48,000 per month was being diverted by the service provider for an undetermined purpose. The report goes on to say on Page 111 that the government should require service providers to give adequate financial reporting and that the government should also figure out a way to see if the service providers are delivering what they say they are. Martha and Henry think this might be a good idea too.

It appears to us, and perhaps to Mr. Dunn, that the serious cheaters may be a few of those companies that provide services to the handicapped; - more so than the recipient of those services themselves.

Premier Klein. Could you please answer these questions before Election day.

  1. Given that there are limited funds to catch cheaters, which cheaters do you believe it is more important to catch: - AISH recipients who are receiving $850 a month of taxpayer dollars or AISH providers who might be siphoning off $48,000 of our money a month.
  2. Could you please tell us the magnitude of financial contributions your party received from companies that provide services administered by the Persons with Developmental Disabilities Board.

We look forward to your timely reply.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get with the program. Mr. Klein had no idea whether those ladies were handicapped or not. Their transgression was far worse than abusing the AISH system; they were critical of Mr. Klein and his government. You just do not do that in Alberta. Mr. Klein's fiefdom is administerd with a well-orchestrated system of vindictive retribution upon those miscreants who are critical of this government. Suck it up. You just do not yip at the premier!

October 29, 2004 at 2:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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October 29, 2004 at 9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Severely normal' people don't want to talk about AISH: Klein Get with the program folks. We are mavericks in Alberta. Klein knows that most Albertans don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves and maybe their immediate family. Why can’t you left wing types understand that too?

If you would spend your time and brainpower trying to make yourself rich instead of trying to help others everyone would be further ahead. There is billions to be made from the oil in Alberta. Go get your share instead of pissing around with “causes”.

October 29, 2004 at 9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back when King Ralph asked for people's understanding of his drinking problem, Albertans gave him dignity and respect. Seems like King Ralph cannot return similar dignity and respect to common Alberta folks who have a difficult situation because of their disability.

October 29, 2004 at 11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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October 30, 2004 at 9:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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October 30, 2004 at 9:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Ralph thinks that people on AISH are ripping off the province. At the rate of $850/month no less. This amount is less than the wine bill at many government suppers on travel missions.

Are we "severely normal Albertans" so hard hearted that we can't see our way clear to provide the handicapped with a decent living wage. Instead of seeing AISH recipients as a burden we have to look at them as human beings who need our help and that we must do whatever we can to help them. I fear that we have raised a generation of "me-firsters" who have lost the will to help others. Would someone please ask Ralph how anyone in Alberta in supposed to live on $850/month what with the prices of electricity and natural gas skyrocketing.

Let's treat everyone with dignity

October 30, 2004 at 9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to the person who posted this comment.

Anonymous said...
'Severely normal' people don't want to talk about AISH: Klein Get with the program folks. We are mavericks in Alberta. Klein knows that most Albertans don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves and maybe their immediate family. Why can’t you left wing types understand that too?

If you would spend your time and brainpower trying to make yourself rich instead of trying to help others everyone would be further ahead. There is billions to be made from the oil in Alberta. Go get your share instead of pissing around with “causes”.

First of all, I find your comments very ignorant and it is people like you who make Alberta a bad place to live.
Redneck comes to mind here!

I was born and raised here and have shared my province's wealth with everyone from Canada. So, we Albertans can share with the disabled here as well!

Secondly, do you have a guarantee on your health? How do you know that you may not become disabled tomorrow?

Thirdly, many disabled people want to work, but they are discriminated against and denied jobs. This is against the LAW, but maverick Alberta does not uphold human rights.

All I say is what goes around comes around! Hopefully you get bitten in the ass really good!!

I am disabled and dang proud of it. Do you want to come talk to me with your ignorant views? Lets see how much of a person you really are not.

Takes a big person to help others and a very small one to just think of themselves.

Ps. My family and other Albertans have given you the opportunity to live in Alberta prosperly. You owe them! You did not make this place on your own!!

October 30, 2004 at 9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Premier Klein:

Were your recent comments that suggested there were some AISH patients who were getting benefits that they didn't deserve a political preemptive strike, intended to divert the public's attention away from Albertans who have been left severely disabled with limited or without any disability benefits that force them to live off the kindness of family, friends and strangers?

Why does Alberta Health and Wellness Minister Gary Mar abandon his responsibilities by refusing to investigate patient complaints made against the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, in particular when it involves issues of covert rationing and doctors blacklisting patients? Why does the Alberta government turn a blind eye to such practices?

Why are doctors allowed to leave patients, with chronic complex medical conditions, severely disabled for years on end, including up to and over a decade (10 years), without providing proper testing and treatment or assisting them to apply for disability benefits that they are entitled to? What government department or agency is investigating these criminal practices and fraud that is being perpetrated by the doctors against innocent and trusting patients?

Are physicians receiving some sort of kickback or payoff from the Canadian and/or Alberta government for denying disabled patients the proper testing, treatment, care and assistance that they need? Who is protecting patients from incompetent and malpracticing doctors, especially when patients are too sick or disabled to advocate for themselves?

Why isn't there an independent and impartial agency with the mandate to investigate, adjudicate and resolve patient complaints?

October 30, 2004 at 9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My question is "When are you going to restore ALL senior benefits that you took away"


"If you think AISH is too much try living on that for a year before talking that way"

October 30, 2004 at 9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an article in the Grande Praire Herald Tribune. An AISH recipient could have afforded the $2 hot dogs at the Liberal event. Probably not too many AISH folks at the $200 a plate Tory dinner. This is probably why Klein took the opportunity to insult them. He knew none of them would be there to answer back.

Ralph Klein combines the qualities of a bully and a coward into a tight, ugly package.

Albertans don't need Ralph Klein.

October 30, 2004 at 4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think what Mr Klein wanted to say was Shoot, Shovel and Shutup but he had already used that line.

October 30, 2004 at 6:43 PM  
Blogger Lisa Lambert said...

First Klein throws coins at homeless people, then tells self-respecting farmers to shoot, shovel and shut up and now AISH recipients who live on $850/month are labelled "cheaters"? What more must the man say to make it clear what he thinks of we average Albertans? We need to de-Klein.
Check out I just got sent the link.

October 30, 2004 at 10:11 PM  

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